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How to offer coaching in Kajabi - Part 2

May 12, 2023

In part 1 of building this Kajabi coaching system, I showed you how easy it was to set this up and get clients to book meetings with you. Now it’s time to show you how easy it is for your clients to navigate this system and how Kajabi continues to over-deliver on the features you can use!  

In this video, I’m going to show you the functionality of Kajabi coaching from the user's perspective. You’ll see how easy it is to keep track of the number of coaching sessions you have with each individual client, schedule each session, and store notes. I’ll also show you how to add an upsell feature to your initial offer to stack courses on top of your coaching!

In this video we’ll discuss:

  • What we covered in Part 1 and the specifics of this video
  • The user experience when using the coaching portal
  • Notifications emails for user and coach
  • Hosting the session
  • Setting Events in your calendar
  • Marking a session complete
  • Coaching Dashboard Overview
  • Adding multiple elements to your coaching offer
  • Activating Upsell button

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