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My adventures in working with a Virtual Assistant

Nov 05, 2021

As a consultant who prides himself on automation and workflow improvement, I'm ashamed to admit that it's taken me FAR TOO LONG to give in to the awesomeness of having my own virtual assistant, or VA. Years ago, mentors and friends told me I could benefit from taking the plunge into task delegation, but the prospect seemed so scary... it was easier to just keep doing it all myself!

But finally, now here at the end of 2021 I've succumbed to the advice of my betters. Here, two weeks into working with my own VA, I bring you a play-by-play of what I've learned - from start to present. If you're ready to ramp up and really unlock new scalability for your business, you're in the right place!

And, if you're curious to explore bringing in your own VA, you may want to check out Digital Nomad Kit (the VA training company that I referenced in the video).

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